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22 Million Lease Fiasco Amidst 4000 Vacancies

The Surprising Discovery

A comprehensive survey conducted by the National Audit Office (NAO) has unveiled a staggering number of over 4,000 government-owned properties lying unused. Meanwhile, the Maltese government is spending over €22 million annually on leasing state-of-the-art offices from the private sector due to a mismatch in the availability of suitable office space within its own portfolio.

The Cost of Leasing

The government’s reliance on the private sector for office space has led to the leasing of around 260 properties, totaling 213,112 square meters, at an annual cost of €22 million and an overall value exceeding €204 million for the full lease periods. Additionally, a significant €41 million has been invested in capital improvements for these leased spaces.


The Issue of Space Utilization

A majority of the leased properties, about two-thirds, serve as office spaces. Alarmingly, in 43% of leasing cases, there was no formal assessment of needs before acquiring a lease, raising questions about the efficiency and necessity of these expenditures.

Recent Reforms and Ongoing Challenges

Efforts to regulate government leasing through new procurement rules introduced in 2020 aimed to enhance transparency and efficiency. Despite these changes, operational hurdles persist, such as outdated information systems and a lack of standard procedures for managing property inquiries.

The Search for Quality Office Space

Government entities often seek modern, well-located office spaces that are not readily available within the government’s property holdings, many of which are dilapidated or poorly located. This has led to a preference for leasing despite the high costs involved.

Financial Implications and Trends

The average cost of leasing in 2022 stood at €118 per square meter, with additional capital costs for refurbishments raising concerns about value for money. A significant increase in private property leases was noted from 2018 to 2022, highlighting a growing trend.


Operational Needs vs. Unused Properties

Government entities express a need for more office space and favorable locations for their operations. However, the condition and refurbishment costs of government-owned properties act as deterrents to their use.

Recommendations for Improvement

The NAO has suggested several measures to address these issues:

  • A central database for all private sector leases involving government entities to improve oversight and management.
  • The establishment of a central department to handle lease management, ensuring uniformity and efficiency.
  • Conducting studies and cost-benefit analyses to explore cost-effective solutions for additional government space needs.

These recommendations aim to optimize the use of government properties and ensure taxpayer money is spent wisely, reflecting a need for a more strategic approach to property management and leasing.

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